
Welcome to our website.

Our journey began way back in May of 2018. Our third son was born, and we took 8 weeks of paternity leave as an opportunity to enjoy our time together and travel.

Back then, we stayed in AirBnB’s and hotels – things look a bit different now!

That epic summer was what it took for us to realize we needed to shift our priorities and maximize our adventures.

What would it take to make every summer as fulfilling as this summer?

How could we possibly travel more, live more, and spend as much time together as possible?

These were the questions that were running through our minds as we went back to work in July of 2018.

Two years later, we sold 95% of our things, moved into an RV, and started to live our lives in a more meaningful, fulfilling way.

We are living proof that life doesn’t need to look the same for everyone.

Our kids are thriving, our marriage is thriving, and we are now living with zero regrets.

We put memories over things on a daily basis. And that’s not to say we deprive ourselves of things. We live a financially responsible lifestyle that allows us to prioritize fun, family, and adventure over trading our time for more money.

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